With all the excitement over the recent announcements of the new RED Scarlet and Canon C300, we have been planning how to offer new rigs for sale and rental to our cine clients.

Vocas have tested their prototype base-plate on both Scarlet and C300, and expect to announce during December this year.

Oconnor have demonstrated their new Univeral Base Plate on the Epic, so given that the Scarlet is the same dimension, we know that will fit. And if it fits the RED cameras, then we know it will fit the C300.

Oconnor Universal Camera Baseplate
Oconnor Universal Camera Baseplate

It has been demonstrated that none of the existing base plates will work with these two new cameras, so all manufacturers have had to develop new ultra low profile base-plates. Read this excellent explanation here: http://www.cinema5d.com/news/?p=8754

We are also needing to re-evaluate the shoulder mount position. Vocas offer two designs of their excellent shoulder supports. On the shoulder, and offset. The On Shoulder version has been designed for the Alexa, Red One, etc, and offer both 15mm & 19mm connections.

Vocas Shoulder Support for under camera
Vocas Shoulder Support for under camera

Vocas also offer a new battery plate. It is a vertical plate mounted to a 15mm clamp.

Vocas Vertical Battery Plate
Vocas Vertical Battery Plate

Both Vocas and Oconnor make matte boxes that will cater to cine lens diameters. Vocas make beautifully traditional multi stage units in all configurations: the Vocas special feature is their internal eye-brows which are incredible at cutting stray light. nb. the MB450 is the only Vocas swing away option. Oconnor make one model which is extremely robust, and industrial, and their unique features are the mounting points on all four edges of the box for handles.

Oconnor O-Box
Oconnor O-Box
Vocas MB450, the flagship Mattebox
Vocas MB450, the flagship Mattebox

We will be testing new rig configurations as soon as we can get hold of the new base plates, and share the results here.



Kingsize Rig Hire

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